Brandon Mascareñas

Brandon Mascareñas

8 Teachings

Brandon Mascareñas grew up in Northern California where he had a early interest in the video and film medium. Enrolling in a film and media study program in college, he was on his fast track to pursing his dreams of making it big in Hollywood. Having an abrupt change in career pursuit, Brandon competed his academia with an Architecture degree.

It wouldn’t be until years later that Brandon would returned to his passion for video production, this time with a different motive. In 2009 Brandon and his best friend Scott Mayer incorporated Little Light Ministries, and under that umbrella they formed Little Light Studios - a Christ centered production company. This ultimately was a result of realizing that there needs to be a place where our young people can come and explore, learn and produce creative, innovative, and “out of the box” media that is Christ centered.

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